Oriental Wellness Garden


Plants release phytoncides as part of their daily metabolic routines. Phytoncides are VOCs (volatile organic compounds) which have antimicrobial (antibacterial and antifungal) effect that prevent plants from adverse environment, such as insects, animals, diseases and decomposition. When breathed in, they would enhance our immune system by increasing NK (natural killer) cells and thus reduce the risk of infection and cancer. In addition, gardens are the great holistic way to reduce anxieties and stresses, which in return, will improve our physical wellbeing. 


Dr.Ray's Oriental Wellness Garden is an attempt to achieve a fusion of both Eastern and Western influences that offer a harmonic balance between serenity and eye catching pizzazz. The diversity of new plants push the bounds of what the landscape and nature will allow to thrive against this 1970's architecture. 

The garden has a good collection of medicinal herbs and culinary herbs from all over the world. Collectively, there are over 700 different plants, among which you will be enjoying the zenful ambiance, reconnecting with Nature and true self, and get energized. 


Landscape: Natural pond with waterfowls against the view of wood lands;

Trees: Giant cotton woods, a huge trimmed magnolia, Japanese cloud trimming pines and junipers, Japanese maples and many more.

Perennial:  Individual mini gardens are specifically dedicated to Hosta, Hydrangeas, coral bells, lilies, Roses, creepers, climbers, culinary and Chinese Medicinal Herbs.

House plants: different types of bougainvillea in tree and bush forms, Split Leaf Philodendron with huge glossy leaves up to 3 feet long, Voodoo lily with 20 inches giant flower

Oriental Wellness Garden was honored to be a part of Racine Garden Tour in 2018. An interesting article about Dr. Rui Weng and his garden was published at Journal Times at https://journaltimes.com/news/local/a-ray-of-sunshine-brings-life-to-incredible-garden/article_651e1b3a-a72a-531b-b976-b4192d69e41f.html